1. Applicable products
- RCbenchmark Series 1780 Thrust Stand and Dynamometer
2. What describes your problem?
Please find within the following table which describes your problem. Once selected, mark down the troubleshooting points to follow.

3. Problem specific troubleshooting
3.1 I wanted to use the Auto-script control on my Series 1780 but it kept telling me there was a syntax error and there was no response from the motor.
If you find no response from the ESC when you click to start an automatic test, it is due that the Series 1780 supports coaxial. Therefore, you must tell the difference between ESC A and B in the auto-script.
- Exit the script running mode and return to edit the script.
- Look for the following scripts by manual searching or Ctrl +F of “rcb.output”, please note that there can be multiple locations using this definition:
- rcb.output.set("esc",minVal)
- rcb.output.ramp("esc", from, to, duration, done);
- rcb.output.steps("esc", from, to, steps, stepFct);
- Replace the script by for the side A:
- rcb.output.set("escA",minVal)
- rcb.output.ramp("escA", from, to, duration, done);
- rcb.output.steps("escA", from, to, steps, stepFct);
Example coaxial script
- In case that you are using the Coaxial version, you may also define escB in a similar way. You may visit this link for an example coaxial control script:
Scripting documentation
- We also strongly recommend you to read the API library before making any further changes:
4. Problems persist?
We support all issues related to the measurement tools itself, and we can provide limited support regarding your test setup and power-train selection. If you need extended support for your specific tests, manufacturing facility or UAV, contact us at sales@tytorobotics.com. We offer extended support contracts (custom programming) including phone and video conference at affordable rates.
To obtain a solution to your problem faster, please indicate which troubleshooting steps you have already done. Also, include the debug log from the software. If relevant, please also include screenshots or pictures of the issue.
4.1 Cross-reference to other types of problem
- SW1SVP: auto-control the Servo port
4.2 Cross-reference from other types of problem
- SGGCOX: how to test coaxial